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The information contained on this website is not legal advice and is to be used for informational or historical purposes only. The information contained on this website is a guide to previously decided cases but should not be considered the definitive or last word on any topic or relied upon as legal precedent. Although the information on this website was current on the date it was posted, it has been reproduced from other sources which—especially case law sources—fluctuate frequently. In addition, courts interpret even their own decisions in different ways depending on the unique facts of each case. The information contained on this website is not a substitute for independent legal research or advice by attorneys.


The National Fraternal Order of Police and this website do not provide legal advice, counseling, recommendations, or referrals, and should not be relied upon for such. The legal briefs contained on this website were written to address specific facts and legal issues and are not necessarily applicable to other fact patterns in other jurisdictions. No action should be taken based upon the information contained on this website without first consulting with an attorney licensed to practice law in the affected jurisdiction with expertise in the relevant legal issues.


The National Fraternal Order of Police makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the information contained on this website and bears no liability for the user’s failure to obtain competent legal advice. Neither the National Fraternal Order of Police nor the individual authors whose work has been published here are responsible for—nor assume any legal liability for—any errors or omissions, or results obtained from the use of the information, and shall have no liability for any damages, of any type whatsoever, occasioned by the actions or omission of actions, taken in reliance upon any information contained on this site.

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